Friday, December 27, 2019

Influence of Media 5

This post focuses on “Representation” and what the word means in media. “Representation refers to the idea that everything we see/hear in the media has been constructed.” This can be seen in magazines, newspapers, radios, and other forms. For example, when news is being reported about a politician, it is a construct of that politician, not the real person. In representation, “codes” are also instrumental in media construction. Codes can range from language, color, clothing, and specific signs. In the instance of color, green may be associated with “environmentalism”, while pink is linked to femininity. These are some of the constructs behind color.

As it relates to my magazine, it will create a specific representation of my models. The use of photographs and color will create a specific representation of these models to a larger audience.


Lamb, B. (n.d.). Brett Lamb. Retrieved January 4, 2020, from

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Question 4

Question 4: How did you integrate technologies in this project?